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Council welcomes €4.5 million allocation for Active Travel projects

8 February 2023

Clare County Council has welcomed the allocation of €4.5 million for Active Travel projects in County Clare under the Active Travel Investment Programme for 2023.

The funding was confirmed by Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan TD on 1st February as part of €290m allocated by the National Transport Authority (NTA) to Ireland’s local authorities for walking and cycling infrastructure in 2023.

The allocation for Clare County Council includes funding for 27 Active Travel projects and Active Travel Office staff costs. Projects allocated funding in County Clare include the Tulla Road Rapid Implementation Active Travel Scheme (€1,798,215) and the Ballycasey Close Active Travel Scheme (€549,287), as well as a range of projects in towns and villages throughout the county.

The allocation also allows Clare County Council to continue the great work that has been completed to date on the ‘Safe Routes To School’ programme in conjunction with An Taisce and the NTA. In addition to providing funding for completion of works at St Flannan’s National School in Inagh, funding has been made available to advance design and delivery of projects at Clonmoney National School, St Mochulla’s National School in Tulla and three schools in Ennis, thereby encompassing works in all four Municipal Districts.

Cllr Tony O’Brien, Cathaoirleach, Clare County Council, welcomed news of the funding, saying: “This allocation is very positive news for communities in County Clare. These projects will increase connectivity in our towns and villages through the provision of new and improved Active Travel infrastructure, such as walking and cycling infrastructure, and will enable people to use sustainable ways of travelling. I am pleased that there is a broad geographical spread of projects, which means that many parts of the county are set to benefit from this funding.”

Pat Dowling, Chief Executive, Clare County Council, said: “Active Travel promotes greener towns and villages, liveable communities, and a healthy lifestyle for individuals. The investment in these projects will help to reduce carbon emissions and in so doing contribute towards Clare County Council’s climate change objectives. I would like to commend the work that has been done to date by the Transportation Team in Clare County Council, in conjunction with the four Municipal Districts. I look forward to these projects progressing and delivering benefits for people who use schools, local businesses, amenities, and services in our communities.”

Carmel Kirby, Director of Physical Development, Clare County Council, said: “Active Travel is a real success in County Clare. The funding being made available for 2023 will ensure we can continue to develop and expand the county’s Active Travel infrastructure and provide people in Clare with further opportunities for active and sustainable modes of transport. Clare County Council will now focus on progressing the projects that have been allocated funding.”

A full list of projects to be funded under this allocation, including those in County Clare, can be found here.

Page last reviewed: 17/02/23

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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